Movie metaphors

I have had the pleasure to know a brilliant cognitive science professor at IIIT-H where I did my Masters. He has worked on metaphors but here is my email to him today”


I dont understand why the movies in Hollywood (famous and may not be famous) connect to some metaphors and thoughts which relate to our very existance. Every time when I am watching a movie I feel that metaphor,I think I should pen it down as I am watching the movie and tell it to you. I feel I have missed a great thing in life is that to have intelligent discussion of movie metaphors but people will think it is a cray topic, I dont even know if my earlier mail was found in good thought to you. Movies are crazy, metaphors are further crazy. If you take the experience if chronically sick people, people about to die or psychiatric patients etc and find a way to translate these metaphors in some other dimension visually, dialogues wise and a parallel but different translation of that real life experience to a parallel experience in a movie which could be how people speak to each other in a scene or convey a audio-visual experience that invokes that basic metaphor then it will creep the hell out of the person who experience that in his life. It is an intelligent thing to do but why such metaphors are being conveyed.

For example let me convey an idea/question that I had from a long time and for which I also had the answer but saw this in a recent movie called Annhilation. Now for example many people want to live forever. Now as people age they become old and the body begins to die and ultimately it dies after a slow process, some people are lucky their death process through inconvenience and discomfort is fast. But say in the future by some means we are able to replicate the human body through process of genetic bio mirrors that we have in the form of cloning. Ok we have a physical shape now and now let say one guy says now lets just copy the memory from his brain and upload into this. Then after this he says there you go, I am able to make you live longer but actually it is a failure no matter if you copy the thoughts and put it into a physically mirrored being (which is a product of cloning) you have not actually extended the life of the person. Now an immediate way to disprove this is say you have more than two clones with both the brains of the clones having copied memories from the original dead person, then who is the real one. Who is the real extension. For the external world (for familes and friends) they seem to be the same person but not for the one who died. Unless we can mirror the soul, the consciousness of the same mind connected to the cloned bodies till then we cannot have life extension. Say my brain feels the presence of my body and if it can parallely at the same time feels its presence in the other physical body till then we cannot say we have achieved life extension. People might ask how to do this. Well I dont know may be though quantum entanglement of all the atoms from the neurons of the dying body to that of the new cloned body and make the consciousness reverberate through both the physical bodies..Only this movie annhilation seems to describe this experience in the end but I do not know if the author has understood this question and thus try to portray it metaphorically……..”

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